In healing any issue, we should look at the cause behind it. Every issue, mental, emotional or physical is created by our reaction to an event in our past. Once we access the cause of the effect of the issue that you are facing the issues will recede​
​Often times the cause is in the metaphysical -
a spirit, entity, interdimensional interference within your field
it may be a curse or spell
or may be the effect of Past Life or ancestral trauma that has been awakened
I specialise in
Entity Removal
Past Life Regression
Soul Retrieval
Ancestral Healing
Energy Healing
Chakra Balancing
Dreamtime Healing is specifically successful in clearing repeating life patterns and cycles of behaviour such as relationship issues, work issues, depression, anxiety and anger, yet it is equally able to address repeating patterns of illness or pain, anguish, guilt or violence, emotional or compulsive disorders and depression, fear or shame.
Looking back over session notes from my practice, the most common issue that clients present with is Emotional pain and suffering more often than not, caused by buried belief systems, and often accompanied by metaphysical forces.
Anxiety is the most common emotional issue closely followed by depression, low self esteem, worry and doubt. 'Situational’ (life) issues are the next most common; feeling trapped, blocked to moving forward, feelings of not being in control of life, taking on other people’s stuff and being generally unhappy with life.